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Hofheim in Unterfranken



“Hoveheim” was first mentioned as a town under the Carolingians in the 8th century. As a central transport hub
and core point of Christianization in the region, Hofheim had an important place in the Haßberge from the
beginning. This gave the community its own seal, market rights and a city court as early as 1385. Interspersed
with historic walls and monuments, the townscape of Hofheim still bears witness to its lively history. The three
existing gatehouses, the “Lower Gate”, the “Upper Gate” and the “Chapel Gate” are particularly noticeable along
the old city wall. As the entrance to Hofheim's old town, they lead directly to the parish church “John the Baptist”
with interesting elements from the late Gothic and Baroque periods. In addition to the monumental church
building, streets lined with half-timbered buildings characterize the backdrop of the city center. What stands out
here is the corner building of the former Zehnthof, which has housed a pharmacy since 1804. It is one of the
oldest half-timbered houses in the region, built at the beginning of the 15th century. As a former Truchseß
house, it previously belonged to the Franconian noble family Truchseß von Wetzhausen. The Haßberge owe
many of its historical treasures to this noble knightly family; four castle buildings bear witness to the family's
fame. Including the landmark of the Haßberge, the Bettenburg in Hofheim. Another monument-worthy building
is located on Hofheim's main street: Built in 1685 and with sign and licensing rights since 1762, the inn/hotel
Fränkischer Hof has been lovingly restored with its long tradition. In addition to lovingly designed guest rooms,
you will find a rustic inn with a beer garden.”