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 Montabaur - Rebstock (c) Stadt Montabaur, Foto: Olaf Nitz
Montabaur - Rebstock (c) Stadt Montabaur, Foto: Olaf Nitz.

Yellow landmark in a beautiful green version. The city, country and castle have had an intimate connection here
since ancient times. Traders used to stop in Montabaur on their trading route, but today it is the modern ICE
stop that connects people and places from here. Trade still takes place today, in the shops around the attractive
old town, at the colorful weekly market and, last but not least, in the newly built Fashion Outlet Center.
Just follow the artistically designed, oversized women's pumps. But the core of Montabaur is and remains historical. First mentioned in a document in 959 under the name
Humbach, the place received town and market rights at the end of the 13th century and developed into a
trading center in the Westerwald. Plagues and wars brought bitter setbacks. The greatest destruction was
caused by three fires that reduced large parts of the city center to rubble and ash. It had to be rebuilt repeatedly. Anyone who strolls through the old town today with its squares and narrow streets can discover many pretty
half-timbered ensembles. Freshly renovated facades impress at the Kleiner Markt, the Vorderen and Hinteren
Rebstock or at a hotel on Kirchstrasse. It's worth a visit …

Things to see and tips from the travel blog ninasfachwerkliebe